
Your home is unique - and so is the world-class marketing plan employed to sell it for top dollar.

There is great importance in the quality of the photos used to advertise and market your home. It has been surveyed by consumers that photography plays an impactful role in the deciding factor on buying a home that appeals to them. If the photography is not appealing, buyers tend to move on to the next listing without even giving the home a chance.

Professional photographers capture the true essence and being of your home which is another aspect that appeals to a buyer. Photos that have not been taken professionally give off an unprofessional feel due to the quality and lack of experience that photographers have that aid in taking a truly impressive photo. Amateur photography makes the home look inconsistent when viewing it in person.

Professional photos aid in providing an admirable scene for visualizing a livable home space for interested buyers. It is the first impression of your home. Investing in a professional photographer that can be recommended by your realtor is a great tool that will bring value to your home.

Please see the following photos to visualize the difference that professional photography has to offer.

Image of a home that doesn't present the home well. The home is in shadows and difficult to see.

This image of the home was not taken by a professional photographer and does not capture the curb appeal this property has. It does not present the home in the best manner to potential buyer. 

This image captures the beauty of the home’s exterior and showcase the property’s best features and angles. Because of the photographer’s experience, the high-quality, images create a positive first impression and grab the potential buyer’s attention.

A image of a home taken by a professional photographer that showcases the home.
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